Blog 2.2 The Sandford Award and the impact of the National Curriculum on Heritage Education
In the second part of her blog on the 1988 Act, our micro-intern, Isabelle Kauer, explores the impact of the 1988 Education Reform Act on Sandford Award holders, and the opportunities changes to educational framework can bring for heritage sites.

Blog 2.1 The Sandford Award and the impact of the National Curriculum on Heritage Education
In June 2024, we were delighted to be joined by Isabelle Kauer, on a micro-internship with the University of Oxford. Isabelle went through a selection of NIMROD journals from the 1980s and 1990s, cataloguing and indexing them.
The journals cover the 1988 Education Reform Act, which saw the introduction of the National Curriculum. As we look to a new government, with a new agenda, in a time of potential change, Isabelle reflected back on how educators viewed the introduction of the 1988 Act.

Blog 1.2 The Heritage Education Trust, The Reed Award, and Early Initiatives for Access
This blog examines the introduction of the Reed Award, an initiative introduced in 1994 by the Heritage Education Trust to support the creation of more accessible educational programmes.

Blog 1.1 The Heritage Education Trust, The Reed Award, and Early Initiatives for Access
In June 2024, we were delighted to be joined by Isabelle Kauer, on a micro-internship with the University of Oxford. Isabelle went through a selection of NIMROD journals from the 1980s and 1990s, cataloguing and indexing them.
The journals feature plenty of discussion about creating a more diverse and accessible practice within heritage education. The Reed Award was created by the Heritage Education Trust as a way of supporting heritage-led learning for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). In this series of blogs, Isabelle explores the wider shifts in educational practice and understanding around special educational needs, and the impetus behind the creation of the Reed Award.

John Hamer retires from the Heritage Education Trust after 22 years of service
On leaving Her Majesty’s Inspectorate in 1997, John became the education adviser to the Heritage Lottery Fund. This appointment ended when he reached the age of sixty in 2000. At this time, he decided to become a freelance education consultant and formed the Heritage Education Group (HEG) with several former colleagues.

Haslemere Educational Museum receives Sandford Award
On 23rd August 2021, our assessor, Robin Clutterbuck attended a special event at Haslemere Educational Museum in Surrey to present the Education Team with their second Sandford Award on behalf of the Heritage Education Trust.

Sandford Award presented to Holdenby House
On 20th May 2021, the Heritage Education Trust was invited to present the Education Team at Holdenby House, Northamptonshire with the 8th Sandford Award, achieved in 2020 for their outstanding contribution to Heritage Education.